Diverse panels


Did you know that only 30% of events have a gender-balanced panel? That means: a panel with an equal number of women and men. Inclusive panels with men and women, but also speakers of different generations, origins, languages... have numerous advantages:

  • A mixed panel ensures richer and more open debates, with more innovative ideas.

  • Mixed panels also send a strong signal to the participants and to the outside world.

  • If you can identify yourself with equal people (in terms of gender, origin, language, ...) in the role of expert, it will be easier for you to keep up your ambition to become an expert.

  • A survey by ProFacts in 2020 also clearly showed that Belgians prefer mixed panels.

But where do I find the right speakers? This site will help you on your way.


Find a speaker

Inclusive Panels-charter

Ready to make a statement?

Thanks to the efforts of diversity experts from organisations such as Women in Finance, Women on Board, the Diversity Managers Association of Belgium and many other female top executives from different companies and sectors, this website and the Inclusive Panels charter were created. The aim: to raise awareness of the importance of diverse panels in terms of gender, age and background.

Do you, as an organisation, company or speaker, also want to make the commitment to realise more mixed panels and raise awareness about it? 

Discover and sign the charter

The signatories

In this project, we work together with many partners. They all have one thing in common: bringing together different experts, whether they are male, female, young or not so young. Interested in becoming a partner too? Then contact Inclusion in Finance.

Contact us

For the organisation or the speaker


As a company or a speaker you are often confronted with different contexts, situations and questions. For example, a company might find it difficult to find young speakers, or what do you do if you end up as a speaker in a homogeneous panel? How do you react in such a situation? We have listed a number of questions and answers that may help you on your way.

FAQ for organisations FAQ for speakers