FAQ for speakers

How can I possibly decline an invitation to speak in a panel ? Declining an invitation because I don’t agree with the panel’s composition may look arrogant. Who am I to criticize the organisation that is inviting me ? You can decline if you feel like it, but you can also simply ask the question. If every male speaker invited to an event is asking why there are no women invited on the panel, this can bring a clear signal to the organisation of the panel.


How can I make sure to not arrive to an event where I am a speaker, to only discover there that the panel is homogeneous ? This can be rather an unpleasant experience, and you may feel awkward joining the podium if it is totally homogeneous. Make sure to ask immediately, when invited. If, contrary to what was announced, there is no woman on the panel on the conference day, you can perfectly make a statement about it before you start speaking.


How can I offer to “share my seat” with a female expert ? If, as an inclusive leader, you want to make female and diverse talents more visible, you can propose to the organisation that is inviting you to “share your seat”, stating that you will focus on some main lines in your contribution, but that you feel that your colleague may share very insightful perspectives.

How can I encourage an organisation to increase the gender, generations, origins mix in the panel ?

Just explain how you feel, why you decided to sign the Charter as a speaker. Personal stories and testimonials are stronger than scientific arguments.