Inclusive Panels Charter for Organisations

We define panels as any gathering of 3 or more specialists coming together to educate, give advice and publicly discuss their opinion about their area of expertise. Our definition of “panel” also includes a series of conferences/events organized by a company throughout the year and requiring only one expert at a time.

The organization of mixed panels, including men and women as speakers, but also with speakers of different genders, generations, origins, languages... contributes to richer and more open debates. Mixed panels also send a strong signal to participants, providing diverse role models.

As a company organizing internal and external events/conferences/panels, we commit to systematically pay attention to the mix of women & men in any panel we are organizing, and will make efforts to avoid organizing homogeneously male panels. We will also pay attention to the mix of generations & origins of our speakers.

We may also: (tick selected boxes - optional)


Name, function & organisation

The signature of the present charter does not imply any payment. However it implies a serious commitment to a better mix of women and men, of different ages and origins, in all kinds of panels.